Is everyone going to build the Metaverse?

Ever since Meta (nee Facebook) announced their intention of building “the Metaverse” in their Facebook Connect conference keynote in 2021, changing their name in the process - the world has been simultaneously enthrealled, amused and terrified by the idea of spending more of their time in a virtual world rather than the real one. Maybe it’s because they remember the dystopian setting of Ready Player One, where people live in towering stacks of containers because their cities have become uninhabitable due to overcrowding and energy shortages are commonplace - and the only way to escape is through the OASIS “metaverse” - leading them to neglect to fix the problems with physical society in preference to enjoying a virtual one instead. ...

December 5, 2021 · 3526 words · naxxfish

Crowdfunding Witch-hunt: Debunking Debunks of Aurora Nutrio

Many moons ago, I was a host on a podcast called The Gadget Crowd. My role was to do the deep dives into the technical feasibility of the projects that we talked about - usually tempering the hyperbolic claims of the campaigns into something more realistic. I also featured a number of exceptionally bizarre campaigns claiming everything from a perpetual motion machine powered by demonic forces (legitimately what the project claimed), to a device that was designed to release your inner chi by regularly beeping (who’s campaign text read much like the incoherent ramblings of someone with severe psychosis). Over the years, many crowdfunded tech projects have come and gone, and the public has now experienced a range of outcomes from great success (for example the RiutBag, which delivered exactly as intended and is a ongoing business delivering new, useful, products regularly), to great failures (like Juicero - which was a legitimate, but dumb, idea that just failed), to outright scams (like ZNAPS - where backers have now resorted to magic incantations trying to get their money back). The general public has seen it all. Fast forward a few (cough five) years, and there’s /r/shittykickstarters Now, let me say, most of the posts on this subreddit are legitimately bad campaigns - which are either unfeasible, physically impossible or in some other way questionable (e.g. rebrands of products available from contract manufacturers). But sometimes, those redditors are a bit too ready to take up their pitchfork Take this one, Aurora Nutrio ...

April 18, 2021 · 2729 words · naxxfish

Pwnage While-U-Wait: Migrating WhatsApp messages between Android and iOS

Recently, I made the (somewhat contraversial) decision to move from Android to iOS. And whilst for the most part this process has been polished to a high sheen by Apple, desperate to make the transition frictionless, there are a few notable gaps. One of those, is WhatsApp message history - which is not possible to port between OSes. This missing feature has unintentionally spawned a plethora of questionable third party software solutions, and some even more questionable marketing techniques. In this post, I’m going to explore why the problem exists, why it’s not easily solved, and the “opportunity” that these software providers are exploiting, and perhaps the people too. ...

June 4, 2020 · 3185 words · naxxfish

🗒 Sharing notes between Joplin users

NOTE: This is a partial proposal from some time ago when this functionality didn’t exist. Joplin Cloud now largely solves this problem! As I mentioned in a previous post, I’ve decided to move to Joplin for my note taking needs. One of the last features I was missing was the ability for me to share a note with other people - as I do with Google Keep at the moment. I’m not the only one missing this feature, there’s a thread on the forum requesting this that’s been open for a long time, and has a lot of views. So I decided to try and help develop it. ...

November 17, 2019 · 1571 words · naxxfish

Note-taking apps for Engineers in 2019

Up until now, notes that I make for work and personal purposes are scattered across a bunch of different places in an un-searchable, un-maintainable, mess. I decided enough was enough and I should do something about it. I’ve been looking at what options are available for cross-platform notes, preferably that support Markdown and are open-source. ...

November 17, 2019 · 624 words · naxxfish